Add a preserved rose to my arrangement or bouquet!


Preserved roses are a wonderful addition to any arrangement! If you look after it, it will last for months, providing the recipient with a wonderful memory of your gift long after all the other flowers have passed on. Available in a range of colours.

Why not combine a few to make a feature arrangement? Can be arranged into any of the containers or bloom boxes listed in the webstore.

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Preserved roses are a wonderful addition to any arrangement! If you look after it, it will last for months, providing the recipient with a wonderful memory of your gift long after all the other flowers have passed on. Available in a range of colours.

Why not combine a few to make a feature arrangement? Can be arranged into any of the containers or bloom boxes listed in the webstore.

Add some Chocs
from €12.00
Vase for your bouquet
from €10.00
Moss and Mushroom Gift Card
from €25.00
Add a Greeting Card -made with seeded paper